Friday, August 17, 2012

A Quarter Century

Good morning!!!

So today I am the big 25!!! What?! I honestly don't know why this birthday seems bigger just 25 is so adult!

Anywho- major moment today! I decided to grab breakfast as a treat for me Sonic breakfast sandwich sounded perfect. Um so so not! I actually threw away most of my sandwich and munched on my watermelon. My belly hurts so healthy eating has paid off. I am pretty much done with fast food (other than tacos) but all that other stuff no more. I am going to get water to try and forget the sandwich!

This is a huge breakthrough for me! I LIKE being healthy I want to be healthy and workout. I didn't yesterday and feel stiff today like I need a run badly! Off to a few hours of work then celebration with my parents and Duane!

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