Monday, August 20, 2012

A Touch of the Mondays

Happy Monday Everyone!

Today was a bit of challenge for me in the eat healthy department! I will admit it was my own fault- I am the master of eating right with a plan in mind.

Yesterday Duane and I splurged  a bit and went out to eat- I was starving and we did not feel like cooking. We split a pasta dish at Carino's and each had a wedge salad. After everything we had plenty of pasta to take home. Good job for us we are well on our way to healthy.

This morning I did my best to create a healthy breakfast. I had eaten all my fruit over at Duane's and did not feel like a morning trip to the store. I had a thing of greek yogurt and coffee at work to get me going! I also had a new protein shake that Duane found  I really liked this shake since it actually tasted good mixed with water. It only had 106 calories with mostly just protein- I love shakes but by the time you add milk its close to 250 calories! Its called ISO 100 and we got it at the Vitamin Shop yesterday for around 35 dollars- not bad for both of us.

 Lunch started out with tuna and some chips. I was not really feeling it so I decided to have a glass of tea and a protein bar. Just right!

Dinner tonight was left overs! Wahoo! Actually I had a chiropractor appointment so when I got home I was so hungry. I was bad and totally ate carbs at night but tomorrow I have a plan! Dessert is going to be sliced watermelon (I swear I am addicted)

Workout today is minimal I am a little guilty but after my doctors appointment I was ready for home!

I plan on doing a walk with Sophie in addition to our 20 minute morning walk and I am going to do a yoga video. Off to go entertain this little lady!


How do you all feel when you do not have your food planned out for the day? 

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